Born under the scorching Arizona sun in early 2005 was a melodic metal band unlike anything that had been seen or heard in the music scene at the time. An intoxicating blend of some of the heaviest guitar riffs, epic keyboard lines, and a non-stop drum assault brought together by one of the most vile screams around that has left some of even the most hard-headed metal fans in awe.
After several member changes and fine tuning during the band's first years, they have become a solid group of musicians with one vision who is not afraid to take things into their own hands or do things their own way, and will stop at nothing to express their music to every open mind on the planet, leaving a trail of satisfied women and empty liquor bottles along the way.
After several member changes and fine tuning during the band's first years, they have become a solid group of musicians with one vision who is not afraid to take things into their own hands or do things their own way, and will stop at nothing to express their music to every open mind on the planet, leaving a trail of satisfied women and empty liquor bottles along the way.
Purchase IWATCHEDHERDIE's latest: HERE